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Our benefits

Powerful, secure and flexible so you can plan for your future – the benefit payments made by the Architects’ Pension Fund (VwdA) are tailored to architects’ requirements.

Retirement pension

Your retirement pension: The VwdA finances its members’ retirement pensions using a process in which each insured person accumulates their pension entitlements for themselves. We offer a range of personalised options to help you start your pension.

Disability pension

Protection from the word “go” – all our members are insured against inability to work from the moment when they start participating in the VwdA.

Child allowance

In addition to their pension, members drawing a retirement pension or disability pension generally receive child allowance for each child up to the age of 18.

The Pension Fund of the Chamber of Architects of Baden-Württemberg is a professional pension scheme. Our Statutes do not provide for any services other than those named here (such as subsidies for spa or rehabilitation services, participation in costs for hospitalisation or guarantee of any death benefit).

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