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How to contact us:

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or require any information.

Our office hours:



Pension Fund of the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects
A public-law entity

Danneckerstrasse 52
70182 Stuttgart, Germany

Phone: +49 711  23874-0
Fax: +49 711  23874-30

Contact form

Your enquiry

1 + 3 = ?

Information & areas of responsibility


Bank Sort code Account no SWIFT/BIC IBAN
Deutsche Bank Stuttgart 600 700 70 1 126 101 DEUT DE SS XXX DE50 6007 0070 0112 6101 00
Südwestbank Stuttgart 600 907 00 602 603 005 SWBS DE SS XXX DE63 6009 0700 0602 6030 05
Postbank Stuttgart 600 100 70 917 706 PBNK DE FF XXX DE46 6001 0070 0000 9177 06
Our company number is 68086379.

Member service

Questions about participation, contribution payments and exemption rules
You are allocated an advisor depending on the initial letter(s) of your last name.
Your personal advisor is your first port of call for all enquiries relating to your participation in the Pension Fund.

A to BQ Frau Burkhardt +49 711  23874-23 > Send email
BR to GD Herr Baur +49 711  23874-49 > Send email
GE to J Herr Thiel +49 711  23874-59 > Send email
K to L Herr Henter +49 711  23874-72 > Send email
M to RA Frau Abdelli +49 711  23874-74 > Send email
RB to SQ Frau Gross +49 711  23874-35 > Send email
SR to Z Frau Fijacko-Trateschki +49 711  23874-36 > Send email

Information on payments, applying for a retirement pension and survivors’ allowances, pension payments, drawing your pension and disability pensions
You are allocated an advisor depending on the initial letter(s) of your last name.

A to E Herr Savino +49 711  23874-33 > Send email
F to MN Herr Leibing +49 711  23874-65 > Send email
MO to Z Herr Diamantis +49 711  23874-19 > Send email

Finance, accounting, controlling

Questions about capital investments

Capital investments Herr Poetzsch +49 711  23874-42 > Send email


Advisor Frau Schrader +49 711  23874-47 > Send email

We would also be happy to advise you during our standard business hours or to arrange an appointment with you.

In Kiel and Hamburg, we usually offer personal consultations once a year.

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