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Personal protection against inability to work

If a participant becomes unfit to work after they reach the age of 55, they will receive a disability pension equal to their pension entitlement.

If inability to work occurs before the age of 55, the disability pension amount will depend on two factors. The first factor is the pension amount to which the member is entitled when the covered event occurs or, in other words, the date on which the member becomes unfit to work. The second factor is an extrapolation. We calculate the amount which would have been accrued if the participant had continued to pay the average compulsory contributions made in the last five calendar years up to the occurrence of the covered event until they reached the age of 55. If the participant has been a member of the Architects’ Pension Fund (VwdA) for less than five calendar years, we base this calculation on the average of all compulsory contributions made up to the occurrence of the covered event. (The same rules apply to the extrapolation as to the calculation of the pension entitlement accrued).

If a covered event occurs, we pay the disability pension from the month in which it is applied for. If there is a reasonable prospect of such inability to work being remedied within a foreseeable period, we pay a temporary disability pension for a maximum of two years.

The disability pension amount varies from person to person and depends on the member’s average contribution payment. It is also important to note that receiving a disability pension may result in any sick pay simultaneously granted from a statutory health insurance provider being withdrawn or in our payment being deducted from the sick pay. Members can find out more from their health insurance provider.

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