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Retirement pension entitlement

The Architects’ Pension Fund (VwdA) finances its members’ payments using a process in which each insured person accumulates their pension entitlements for themselves. The retirement pension is calculated on the basis of each member’s personal pension entitlement or, in other words, the annuitisation of all contributions paid by the member to date. The actual pension entitlement is calculated in accordance with § 30 of our Statutes.
In certain circumstances, the child allowance will continue to be paid in addition to the retirement pension until a member’s children reach the age of 27. The retirement pension is always paid electronically by bank transfer. The payments are always made in good time so that they are credited to members’ accounts by the start of each month. The VwdA also makes pension payments abroad. In such cases, members are liable for any foreign transfer fees.

Normal retirement age

Normal retirement age is reached at 67 years of age. Members are entitled to draw their regular pension on the first day of the month following the month in which they turn 67. We send our members the necessary form before this date, in good time. Transition rules apply to normal retirement age for people born before 1962.

Early retirement

Our members can apply to receive their retirement pension early, from 62 years of age. Participants who joined the VwdA before 1 January 2012 can apply to receive their pension even earlier, from the age of 60. A deduction of 0.45% is charged per month in which the pension is drawn early before the normal retirement age is reached. To apply to receive their retirement pension early, members need to send us the application form together with their personal details, details of their health insurance and their birth certificate.

Late retirement

Self-employed participants and members who wish to continue working beyond their 67th birthday receive a supplement of 0.5% for each month after they reach the normal retirement age. To apply to delay payment of their retirement pension, members need to send us the application form together with their personal details, details of their health insurance and their birth certificate.

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