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The VwdA

The Architects’ Pension Fund (VwdA) provides a secure retirement pension to its members. The VwdA is the compulsory insurance provider for all self-employed members of the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects, the Schleswig-Holstein Chamber of Architects and Engineers, and the Hamburg Chamber of Architects. This means that it acts as the first pillar of retirement income for its members. Participating architects can rely on our experience and enjoy high benefit payments.

The following pages provide you with a clear overview of all the key information you need.

Your benefits

VwdA members are comprehensively insured and receive above-average benefit payments.

Our responsibilities

Architects have been putting their trust in our services for generations. We take our responsibilities to them very seriously.

For the self-employed, employees and civil servants

The VwdA tailors its work exclusively to architects and their specific professional requirements.


The VwdA is a semi-autonomous trust of the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects and a public-law entity with its own boards.


The VwdA is the retirement pension provider for members of the Baden-Württemberg and Hamburg Chambers of Architects and the Schleswig-Holstein Chamber of Architects and Engineers. It is a professional self-administered organisation.