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We maintain the highest standards

We invest assets with foresight Our financial experts operate in global capital markets intelligently and with foresight. Our investment activities are exclusively for the benefit of our members.

We are intelligent, critical thinkers – Our investment strategies are supported by a digital early-warning system, which we are constantly developing. Our warning system and data warehouse place us among the leading digital innovators within our industry. Instead of being driven by algorithms, we use our critical analysis skills when working with digital tools.

We put our expertise to work for our members – The staff at the Architects’ Pension Fund (VwdA) are experts in their field and use their skills for the benefit of the architects insured with us.

We act responsibly

Experience dating back to 1970 Architects have been putting their trust in our services for generations. We take our responsibilities to them very seriously.

Our participants are protected by law – The VwdA is a semi-autonomous public-law entity of the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects. The Architects’ Act (Architektengesetz) permits architects to participate in the Pension Fund.

Utmost security – The investment of the capital entrusted to the VwdA on the capital market is strictly regulated. Assets are invested in accordance with statutory provisions and strict regulatory requirements.

High international standards – The VwdA considers environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria during its investment process and takes responsibility for these matters.

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